A3 Newspaper template comprising of a front page, two middle pages and a back page (simply print off the four A4 sheets and stick to an A3 sheet and copy 2:2). The resource is intended to be folded in half to act as a mini-newspaper with various activities.
Front page: space for headline, two written spaces and an image space with 'A picture of the incident' underneath.
First page: music review and film review spaces and a comic strip space.
Second page: horoscopes, blank word search template and advert space.
Back page: sports news section - title, two written spaces and two image spaces.
You may also be interested in this complete and engaging lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/poetic-terms-full-lesson-11184997
A bumper 68 page quiz pack, featuring riddles, logo quiz, catchphrases and more. Hours of fun for just £2.00!
For more great resources, see my page here:
A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided.
Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and plenary ideas and lesson objectives.
Resources included are:
* Planning Sheet
* Prompt Sheet
* Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.)
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
An Olympics observation quiz with two rounds.
Round 1 – Students watch a clip of Olympic events and have to answer four questions based on what they have just seen.
Round 2 – Students watch a ‘what happens next clip’ and are rewarded for imagination as well as accuracy.
Quiz sheet included.
Ideal for form time as the quiz should take around 20 minutes.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
Christmas Quiz Pack
A MUST download, including:
* The Ultimate Christmas Quiz
* Fun Quiz Pack
* Christmas Fun Pack
* Word Games
Well over 100 pages of quiz and Christmas fun.
Click on the links for further details.
A great value download.
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
Allow students to individualise their own assessment with these celebrity themed assessment pack. Celebrities include: Olly Murs, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Lionel Messi and Ellie Goulding. Grids feature WWW (What Went Well), EBI (Even Better If) and a space for DIRT (Directed Independent Reflection TIme.) Circled option to show if this is self, peer or teacher assessed. Grid size 130mm x 90mm perfect size for standard A5 books.
For more resources and lessons visit my page here:
Photo credits: Flickr, Jagged Janine, Olly Murs; Graciela Suzem, Bruno Mars; Mingle Media, Ellie Goulding. Wikipedia, Eva Rinaldi, Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, Darz Moi, Lionel Messi.
An informative Power Point on Prince, the talented musician and singer, who tragically passed away recently.
The 23 page Power Point contains relevant bio information, unusual facts and a quick quiz to finish and is useful for form time or other such activities.
For more resources or lessons visit my page here:
(Photo Credits: Africanindy.com, NME.)
A bumper 68 page quiz pack, featuring riddles, logo quiz, catchphrases and more and a find the word starter pack of 5!
For more great resources, see my page here:
Engaging SPAG and PEE starter pack and Power Point slides taken from extracts of Karl Pilkington's hilarious travel diaries, The Idiot Abroad. Each starter features a short extract, with a short SPAG and an extended PEE or comprehension starter, together with an image of Karl Pilkington.
Starters are ideal for KS4 students or later KS3 and suitable for a variety of different exam boards e.g. WJEC or AQA as they involve the same core skills.
Also included for free is a bumper word puzzles Power Point which is normally £2:
Please rate and visit my shop store for more great resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Thank you.
(Credits: images royalty free, taken from Wikicommons and pininterest.com)
A 36 page attractive bumper presentation of the faces of the new banknotes – Sir Winston Churchill, JMW Turner and Jane Austen!
Presentation includes: facts, biography, quotes, images, links to video clips, questions and more!
Ideal for form time, assemblies or as a basis for many different types of lessons.
For more great resources see here:
(Credits given in the presentation.)
Bumper 35 page Power Point on Euro 2016 – the story so far!
The attractive presentation presents highlights of all the action in the group stages, last 16, quarter finals leading up to the semi-final clashes between Wales and Portugal and Germany and France.
Fantastic resource for presentations and form times or lesson fillers!
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: all images taken from the excellent BBC Euros sport pages.)
The Ultimate Christmas Quiz + Christmas Fun and Bingo
In this mini-bundle you get:
* Fantastic 30 question, 54 page, Christmas quiz.
* Round 1 - Christmas Questions
* Round 2 – Name it Round – Santa’s Reindeers
* Round 3 – TV/Film
* Round 4 – Christmas Songs
Ideal Christmas fun!
* Also included is the fun quiz pack – hours of fun and games including riddles, catch phrases, logo quizzes and find the word puzzles.
* Perfect Christmas key word bingo - 30 individual bingo cards and a caller's card.
Fantastic value.
Click on the links for further details.
For more great resources, visit my shop page here:
Visually attractive introduction lesson on context and characters in Willy Russell’s play, Our Day Out.
Power Point includes:
• Title page.
• Starter activity.
• Lesson objectives page.
• Two context pages followed by a question.
• Meet the author bio page.
• Blurb pages followed by a question.
• Reading prompt of scenes 1-4.
• Main task – spider diagramming of the main characters.
• Key word spelling plenary (spelling sheets and suggested spellings at the back of the Power Point.)
The layout in this eye-catching Power Point could be copied for future lessons, in order to create a visually impressive scheme of work.
You may be interested in this engaging Cornish Mystery story: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-cornish-mystery-full-lesson-11192380
(All images copyright free. Images from Wikipedia commons. Scenery images from Geography UK.)
Quiz Triple Pack – Great Value Download
Quiz triple pack – great value download, ideal for form time, time passing activities or part of a lesson featuring:
Word Quizzes £2:
Flags of the World Quiz £2:
Euro 2016Guess the Player Quiz 2:
For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here:
(Credits given in each page.)
A group of friends take what was supposed to be a peaceful trip to a remote Cornish coast only to discover strange goings-on in the village, smuggling in the coves and possibly, even murder! But who is responsible? And will the friends make it out alive?
Visually attractive, creative writing mystery lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson.
Power Point includes:
* Title page.
* Complete lesson objectives and outcomes (WALT and WILF) - with the focus on higher attaining students to use descriptive language for effect and to build up tension and drama within the story.
* Effective lesson starter.
* Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above).
* Quick planning sheet (included at the back of the Power Point).
* Page prompts.
* Fantastic “murder mystery bingo” plenary activity with teacher’s caller card and 30 unique bingo cards (with instructions on how to best play the game included).
* Extra Power Point pages to allow for lesson 2.
* All resources included at the end of the Power Point.
*Now available as a four lesson bundle – four great lessons for £6.95!*
Please take a second to rate the lesson if you enjoyed it.
You may also be interested in these further murder mystery lessons:
(Copyright free images from Wikipedia, bingo from my free bingo.com)
The Zombie Apocalypse
Cities lie abandoned. The streets are no longer safe as the K11 virus has spread and infected large numbers of the population. You and a small group of survivors have made it out of the city and have taken refuge in an abandoned farmhouse. You have to hold out against the ‘zombie-like’ hordes for 7 days until help arrives. Will you survive?
Lesson includes:
• Attractive title pages.
• Zombie Apocalypse word search starter.
• Attractive scenario pages.
• Lesson objective page.
• Planning sheet resources. This is structured so that students are encouraged to increase the tension as the ‘waves’ of zombie attacks increase daily.
• Key word bingo plenary activity, including 30 individual bingo cards and caller card.
• Prompts and slide prompt for lesson 2
Zombie apocalypse 2 is available here:
**Now available in a dystopian and horror bundle*:
For other engaging resources, including full lessons, visit my shop page here:
(Credits: royalty free images – zombie images pixabay, scenery from Geography UK. Bingo cards from myfreebingo.com)
Dracula extract analysis/close reading lesson ideal as a one-off lesson or a link to gothic literature.
Lesson includes:
* Title page
* Starter
* Lesson objectives
* Link to video clip
* Extract prompt (extract included)
* Find the key word prompt (sheet included)
* Spelling activity (worksheet included)
* Mini writing task
* Plenary post-it-note activity
All resources included at the back of the Power Point.
This lesson is available in a double pack with The Hound of the Baskervilles for £4.50 here:
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits, images copyright free and scenes from Youtube.)
The Haunting Horror Story Creative Writing
A group of friends find themselves trapped in an old hotel, only to suffer strange lucid dreams and terrifying nightly visitations. Will they escape or go insane? And what is the significance of the black rose?
Visually attractive, creative horror story lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson or series of lessons. (At least two lessons will be required to complete the story.)
Power point includes:
* Attractive title page.
* Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above).
* Complete lesson objectives and outcomes
* Character cards page (with example, included) where students complete their own characters on special cards (resources included at the back of the Power Point.)
* Planning sheet giving students a structured method in which to write an effective story (included at the back of the Power Point.)
* A review prompt to discuss writing so far.
* A review peer-assessment prompt which should set students up to continue the story next lesson.
A simple but fun and engaging lesson!
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: Donney Nunley, Circus Tricks, Flickr.com. Emo Attitude, Haunted Boy, Deviant art.)
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Highly engaging, creative writing lesson based on the original Sandman image by Dina Bova.
Attractive Power Point includes:
* Cryptic starter
* Lesson objectives
* Full size image for discussion point
* Task Explanation
* Planning sheet slide
* Writing tips shared activity
* Writing prompts and plenary quiz
Planning and help sheet resource included.
Hound of the Baskerville extract analysis/close reading lesson ideal as a one-off lesson or a link to gothic literature.
Lesson includes:
* Title page
* Starter
* Lesson objectives (with surprise face in background, linking to close reading)
* Link to video clip
* Extract prompt (extract included)
* Highlight key words
* PEE grid (resource included)
* Review post-it-note plenary
This lesson is available in a double pack with Dracula for £4.50 here:
All resources included at the back of the Power Point.
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits, images copyright free and scenes from Youtube, copyright free text exact from Sherlock Holmes, Hound of the Baskervilles.)